Secure and compliant
Compliant with all European privacy regulations.
BetterBe is ISAE 3402 type II compliant and ISO 27001 certified.
From company-specific ruling to individual customer parameters: our API can keep track of all your price related settings, and still show you the price updates real time. Even if you add or delete an option, switch to a different colour, or select another trim level. In real time. Really.
With our price customization options, you have fine-grained control over who sees which lease price and when. You can customize pricing for individual customers and different types of leasing products, offer (temporary) dealer- or customer discounts, and even generate prices dynamically, based on your preferred data source.
For compliancy requirements, recalculation purposes, or any other reason you might need it: we give you full access to comprehensive pricing information. With this you can track pricing over time, recalculate a lease contract, or help a customer with an expired quote. And we keep any changes made by your data provider or by you stored and searchable.