
Case LeasePlan

Search and configuration of the perfect car by end users

LeasePlan works with BetterBe in several countries, including Belgium. There, LeasePlan started a 100% online sales channel: LeasePlanDirect. It is aimed at small and medium sized-enterprises (SME’s), that need flexible and economical mobility solutions.

A customer first success story for LeasePlan

LeasePlanDirect in Belgium uses the BetterBe LeaseServices API. The API allows LeasePlanDirect to give their customers fine-grained control in searching and configuring their lease-car quickly and efficiently.

Customers can find the perfect lease-car without help from the lease-company and without having in-depth knowledge about cars.
The online sales channel has been set up for 2 types of cars: passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. For LeasePlan it has been a step in the direction of self-service for their customers which results in a better user experience, a higher customer interaction and lower costs.

“We can set up, manage and edit our lease-calculation easily. It’s fantastic to see a complicated calculation like that work in real-time.”
Danny Creteer Director Business Information Management LeasePlan

Really working as a team

For BetterBe, the collaboration has been a great experience. After a solid training in the inner workings of the API, LeasePlan was quickly able to set up and manage the online sales channel. BetterBe has kept in close contact with their LeasePlan partners, offering support at a distance during the implementation.

“The high caliber of the LeasePlan team members has definitely contributed to their ability to be very self-reliant during this project”, says Remko Flore, projectmanager for BetterBe.