Secure and compliant
Compliant with all European privacy regulations.
BetterBe is ISAE 3402 type II compliant and ISO 27001 certified.
With our API, you are no longer bound to search by make and model. You can search and filter cars based on trim levels, standard features, options, technical data and more; limited only by your imagination.
We constantly sync car data with your preferred suppliers, so your information is always up to date. Whether it is pricing (think of residual value, service & maintenance or tyre data), or car specifications (JATO, RDC, EuroTax, IZMO, etc); it can all be consumed by our API.
Having all historical data available makes for a superior service and sales department. Find out exactly how a customer got to a quoted price two months ago. Track all changes, such as car manufacturers renaming their models, altering their trim levels or adding new features.
Secure and compliant
Compliant with all European privacy regulations.
BetterBe is ISAE 3402 type II compliant and ISO 27001 certified.
Easily scalable
High availability platform >99.9%. Triple elastic active-active-active data centres.
Expert Support
Strategic partner to realize your company goals. Technical training of your IT-, sales and back office staff.
Red carpet access to knowledgable and service oriented prof...
High performance
Suitable for the most complex lease calculations. Market leading performance.
Flawless integration
Smooth integration with your other business solutions, back office and external data sources.
Our team is happy to discuss your specific situation and see how the LeaseServices API can address your needs.